Monday, November 10, 2008

Have you hugged a Mormon today?

Ok, I admit it, this isn't original to me. I plagiarized the title from somebody on the AOI website. Go to it, read it for yourself.

Regardless, the reality is that as Spartacus wrote (below), we have to pick and fight our battles carefully. The increasing homosexualization and secularization of our culture is one of those we are enjoined to fight. On this front, we may have an easier time of it.

As noted, Proposition 8 in California passed. This was the amendment which overturned the California Supreme Court ruling legalizing "gay marriage." (I put it in quotes because there is no such thing as a marriage between two people of the same sex. Coupling is one thing, marriage can only be between one man and one woman, even in polygamous societies, each of the women are married to the one man, not to each other.)

Anyway, this proposition passed with the overwhelming support of African-Americans (71%) and Latinos (55%). Caucasians and Asian-Americans were only 49% in favor (shame on us). The heavy lifting though was done by the Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormon Church). To the credit of the Orthodox in California, the four Orthodox bishops issued a strong condemnation of the Supreme Court and lobbied heavily in favor of Prop 8. Kudos to Bishop Benjamin (OCA) who spearheaded the intra-Orthodox initiative. Likewise, a pat on the back to the evangelical pastors and Catholic bishops as well. But when all is said and done, it was the Mormons who provided the shock troops that turned out the vote.

God bless 'em.


p.s. on a side note, it's interesting to see how the gay grievance lobby has turned racist. The "N-word" has been hurled incessantly at many black people. Some homosexuals have even threatened violence against blacks should they shown up in gay enclaves such as West Hollywood.

This is further evidence (as noted by Spartacus) that the coalition that elected Obama is not a principled one, but a collusion of grievance groups who are united at best, in only one issue: how to get more goodies from the producing class.

Serves 'em right.


Anonymous said...

Those that voted for Obama definitely had drank the koolaide because they didn't pay attention to the fact that he is AGAINIST gay marriage; he said so in an interview on MTV (surprise) that marriage was "between one man and one woman".


jdagreek said...

Hug a Morman? They are baptizing dead Jews now aren't they? The Mormons are a cult no matter thier political bent.

Monomakhos said...

I know, but they fought the good fight.