Sunday, January 4, 2009

So far, not so good...

Well, it's been about three weeks. Busy time. Anyway, it looks like this Blago mess isn't going away. Now William Blaine Richardson III of New Mexico has pulled out. It's probably not a big thing but whatever he's being investigated for doesn't pass the smell test. Hence the Blago allusion.

Anyway, I believe Gov Bill's been kneecapped by Miz Hillary herself. Richardson took a big gamble endorsing Obama and the Clinton's are always out for revenge. I thought it was gutsy on Bill's part to essentially be the first big name to endorse Hillary. He thought I'm sure, and I thought, that if Obama won, he'd be in the clear. WROMG!

I don't think anybody else in Obama's cabinet-to-be has to worry as they don't seem to be a threat to Hillary, but this doesn't portend good things for Obama. Unless he finds some way to stab her in the back somehow (preferably after she's given up her Senate seat), then he's gonna have the biggest albatross hanging around his neck that any president had since Carter had his brother Billy.

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