In the best Joe-Bidenesque fashion, "Mark my words!" (Except that I'm not an idiotic blowhard who's never done anything in his life but bang a hot-looking wife.)
If the stock market doesn't rebound within 2 years (and I don't see how it can get past 9,000 if the Dhimmicrat spending plans go through), then Obama will be thrown out of office. It's this simple: the people can't take too much more of this shit --8.1% unemployment, DOW <6,000, graceless tax-cheats in the Cabinet, qualified people bugging out of Cabinet consideration (Gupta, Zinni, Nazareth, etc.) The handwriting is on the wall: first Santelli, now Cramer. Both on CNBC. Cramer's a liberal. (They better watch their backs, not go on walks through Ft Marcy Park if you get my drift.)
Now they go after Rush, the Big Kahuna? Are they insane? I disagree with Dick Morris. This strategy would be brilliant if things were so-so. But the economy's in the f*%$ing tank. People are losing their jobs. Those that got jobs are worried shitless about losing theirs'. So what does President Lightworker do? He listens to "Skull" Begala and "Reptilicus" Carville. The American people just don't give a crap about Rush or whether he rules the GOP. What's the upside? That maybe Rush will say something inappropriate, thus forcing the Republicans in Congress to disavow him? Yeah, it's possible, this would weaken the GOP by driving a wedge in it. But this is smallball. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and the Rush thing is just a sideshow. It won't matter.
Instead look at what's happening (besides the economy shrinking). Two Democrat Senators are balking at the prez' plans. The GOP Senators are hanging tough. Events are spinning out of control. Yada, yada, yada. Obama looks like a loser, or at least a waif, somebody who's out of his depth. The W years are starting to look like a golden age in comparison.
Was Pres Messiah dealt a bad hand? Sure, so was W. So was Reagan. So was Lincoln. Nobody begged him to run for office. Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen.
Anyway, where wuz I? Oh yeah: Obama getting the boot. It's gonna happen if things keep on going this way. It's inevitable. Santelli was a first shot. Cramer is more significant, he voted for him. He's given six figures to the Dems. What's the next shoe to drop? Look for a liberal Jewish Senator like Feinstein or perhaps Feingold to furrow the old brow and express "concerns" about this, that or the other. You will hear serious talk about secession. Afghanistan will continue to go south. Drip, drip, drip. Watch out if some disenchanted African-American bigwigs start saying things like, "well, you know, Obama's African, but his dad was from Africa. He wasn't down with the struggle. Besides, his momma's white." When that happens, it'll pretty much be over. Hillary would have been long-gone by that point. By this time, she won't even know his name. When some of the bozos on MSNBC turn on him --I'm thinking Chris Matthews, not Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann (they'll be with him in the bunker to the bitter end, comforting him and telling him that things are gonna around any minute now)--then it'll be over.
How is it going to happen? (1) The GOP will make significant gains in 2010 in both Houses and in the states. (2) Something criminal in his past will come forth. Think Rezko, Giannoulis, Indonesia connections, something. He's from Chicago, you can't live in that city and not be a criminal. (3) The House will be forced to at on impeachment. (4)Aforementioned liberal stalwarts in the Senate will go to him just like and say "you know, there might be enough votes to remove you."
like I said: Mark my words. March 7th, 2009.
Negroes, Converts, Cradles & Slaves
11 years ago